Trent Reznor / David Lynch | Rolling Stone



  • Rolling Stone Magazine

  • Lost Highway - Lynch Interview

Working with two Rock Stars in one day was an experience I'll never forget. I designed and built a simple dungeon looking wall and retrofitted a muddled prop megaphone on an antique stand. We weren't sure how they were going to interact, but the prop became the hero of the day connecting both artists.  Mr. Lynch was very curious about the megaphone's wooden mount I was my fiddling with and kept looking over my shoulder, analyzing my every move and asking questions about what I was doing. I felt like I was in one of his movies with the mad scientist looking over my shoulder. He came with his entourage and a vintage 70's trailer as his office in the parking lot. They were amazing to be around and so kind. I'm very proud of this collaboration and being able to do this type of work is once in a lifetime.

Art Director: Brad Hartmaier
Location: Hollywood, CA

Photo Credit: Brad Hartmaier
Copyright: Brad Hartmaier
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